Crosshair (cg_drawCrosshair)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1 through 9Description: Base crosshairs.Tags:
Setting: <mod name>Description:

Use crosshair with this mod name. Crosshair mods included with Newmod:

Mod NameDescription
Mod Name: dotDescription: Simple dot. Made by Duo.
Mod Name: danDescription: Dot with black outline. Made by Dan/Septimo.
Mod Name: ql1 through ql29Description: Quake Live crosshairs.

Scope (cg_drawScope)

Setting: 0Description: Crosshair scope. No scope graphics; just keep drawing your crosshair and zoom in.
Setting: 1Description: Base scope.Tags:
Setting: <mod name>Description:

Use scope with this mod name. Scope mods included with Newmod:

blacklessBase scope without black background. Made by Duo.
whoracleWhoracle scope. Made by Tritoch.
grabGrab scope (HD base scope remake). Made by Grab.
sintraSintra scope. Made by Sintra.

Crosshair Color (cg_crosshairColor)

Setting: <color>Description:

Entering a single color by itself means that the crosshair uses this color at all times. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.

Note that crosshair mods containing colors in the file itself (e.g. "red dot mod") will not properly support Newmod's coloring system. Crosshair mods must be white for custom colors to work properly.

Setting: idle=​<color>Description: Crosshair uses this color when idle.Tags:
Setting: ally=​<color>Description: Crosshair uses this color when aiming at allies.Tags:
Setting: enemy=​<color>Description: Crosshair uses this color when aiming at enemies.Tags:
Setting: neutral=​<color>Description: Crosshair uses this color when aiming at neutral entities (breakables, NPCs, etc).Tags:
Setting: idle=​white ally=​lime neutral=​yellow enemy=​redDescription: Default setting.Tags:

Crosshair Name Time (cg_crosshairNameTime)

Setting: full=​<time in milliseconds>Description: How long to continue displaying the name of your last crosshair target after they leave your crosshair at full opacity.Tags:
Setting: fade=​<time in milliseconds>Description: How long to fade out the name of your last crosshair target.Tags:
Setting: full=​800 fade=​200Description: Default setting (show name at full opacity for 800ms, then fade out for 200ms).Tags:

Crosshair Names (cg_drawCrosshairNames)

Setting: 0Description: Hide names of players at which your are aiming.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Show names of players at which you are aiming with forced red/blue team coloring.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Show names of players at which you are aiming in their original colors.Tags:

First-Person Weapons (cg_firstPersonWeapons)

Setting: -1Description: Enable first-person for all weapons.
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Enable first-person view for saber.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Enable first-person view for vehicles.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Enable first-person view for melee.Tags:
Setting: 8Description: Enable first-person view for emplaced guns.Tags:
Setting: 16Description: Enable first-person view for eweb.Tags:

Free Spec Crosshair (cg_drawFreeSpecCrosshair)

Setting: 0Description: Disable crosshair while in free spectator mode.
Setting: 1Description: Enable crosshair while in free spectator mode.

Scope Sensitivity Factor (cg_scopeSensitivityFactor)

Setting: 1Description: Use default mouse sensitivity scaling when scoping in with disruptor.
Scoped mouse sensitivity = zoomFOV ÷ cg_fov · sensitivity
Setting: <factor>Description: Multiply mouse sensitivity by <factor> when scoping in with disruptor.
Scoped mouse sensitivity = zoomFOV ÷ cg_fov · <factor> · sensitivity
Setting: 0.75Description: Multiply mouse sensitivity by 0.75 when scoping in with disruptor.
Scoped mouse sensitivity = zoomFOV ÷ cg_fov · 0.75 · sensitivity