12-Hour Time (cg_12HourTime)

Setting: 0Description: Use 24-hour time format for scoreboard clock (e.g. 23:00).Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Use 12-hour time format for scoreboard clock (e.g. 11:00 pm).

Auto Timers (cg_autoTimers)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Automatically display timers for duration-based force powers using the Newmod style (next to force power icons at the bottom-left corner of your screen).

Note that this is incompatible with bitflag 2.
Setting: 2Description: Automatically display timers for duration-based force powers using the classic style (at the bottom-right corner of your screen).

Note that this is incompatible with bitflag 1.
Setting: 4Description:Automatically display timers for all duration-based force powers that are about to expire under your crosshair.Tags:
Setting: absorb=​<color>Description: Use a custom color for the absorb timer. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.
Default if unspecified: blue
Setting: mindtrick=​<color>Description: Use a custom color for the mind trick timer. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.
Default if unspecified: magenta
Setting: protect=​<color>Description: Use a custom color for the protect timer. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.
Default if unspecified: lime
Setting: rage=​<color>Description: Use a custom color for the rage timer. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.
Default if unspecified: red
Setting: recovery=​<color>Description: Use a custom color for the rage recovery timer. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.
Default if unspecified: #330000
Setting: sense=​<color>Description: Use a custom color for the sense timer. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.
Default if unspecified: yellow
Setting: speed=​<color>Description: Use a custom color for the speed timer. Use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.
Default if unspecified: white
Setting: crosshair=​<comma-separated powers>Description:Display timers for these duration-based force powers (and only these ones) that are about to expire under your crosshair. Example: speed,rageTags:
Setting: crosshairopacity=​<number between 0.0 and 1.0>Description:Customize the opacity of crosshair timers.
Default if unspecified: 0.25
Setting: crosshairtime=​<number of milliseconds>Description:Customize how long before a power expires to start displaying its crosshair timer. In other words, begin displaying the crosshair timer when a power has this number of milliseconds remaining.
Default if unspecified: 3000

Capture Display (cg_drawCaptures)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.Tags:
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display name of flag-capturing player in HUD.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Display capture time next to name in HUD.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Display capture time in console.Tags:
Setting: 8Description: Display capturing player's health/armor/force in console.Tags:
Setting: 16Description: Display capturing player's health/armor/force in console.Tags:

Carrier Display (cg_drawCarrier)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display name/health/armor of allied flag carriers and, on base_entranced servers, siege item carriers.
Setting: 2Description: Only display for teammates; not yourself.Tags:

Class Change Display (cg_drawClassChanges)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display siege class change notifications as popups on the side of the HUD.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Play a sound effect.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Notify for your own siege class changes (not just other players).Tags:
Setting: 3Description: Default setting (combination of 1 and 2.Tags:

CTF Position Icons (cg_drawCtfPosIcons)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: In CTF on supporting servers, display icons indicating CTF positions on the scoreboard.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: In CTF on supporting servers, display icons indicating CTF positions on the team overlay (using large icons for Newmod style overlay).Tags:
Setting: 4Description: In CTF on supporting servers, display icons indicating CTF positions on the team overlay (using small icons for Newmod style overlay).Tags:
Setting: 5Description: Default setting (combination of 1 and 4 bitflags).Tags:

Custom Text Display (cg_drawCustomText)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: <text>Description: Display custom text on the HUD, e.g. for new players to remember key binds. Use \n to start a new line.
Setting: G - Absorb\nH - Protect\nJ - Team HealDescription: Example of recommended usage.Tags:

Force Alignment Display (cg_drawForce)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display Dark/Light text in the corner of your screen indicating your force power alignment in non-Siege gametypes.Tags:
Setting: <custom text>Description: Instead of automatic Dark/Light text, you can specify your own custom text, e.g. "Chase Light"; useful if you have multiple force configs.

Force Icons Display (cg_drawForceIcons)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Display base icons for force powers.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Display alternate base icons for force powers.

Force Icons Display (cg_drawForceStyle)

Setting: 1Description: On supporting servers, the team overlay and carrier display read in this order: health — armor — force.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: On supporting servers, the team overlay and carrier display read in this order: health — force — armor.
Setting: 3Description: On supporting servers, the team overlay and carrier display read in this order: force — health — armor.

Force Loadout Display (cg_drawForceLoadout)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display current force powers loadout (which powers you have, and which levels). On base_enhanced servers, this works while spectating other players. Icon style is controlled by your Force Icons Display (cg_drawForceIcons) setting.
Setting: smallDescription: Display using a smaller size.Tags:
Setting: specOnlyDescription: Enable only while spectating.Tags:
Setting: ignore=​<powers[optional levels] separated by commas>Description: Hide these force powers/levels. Useful for hiding common powers you aren't interested in viewing.
Default if unspecified: jump3,speed3,push3,pull3,sabero
Setting: show=​<powers separated by commas>Description: Show these powers even when level 0. Useful for highlighting a lack of certain powers.
Default if unspecified: jump,speed,push,pull,sabero

Force Team Colors (cg_forceTeamColors)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Force red/blue player names in obituary messages.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Force red/blue player names in chat.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Force red/blue flag messages.Tags:
Setting: 8Description: Instead of coloring the entire name, e.g. Padawan, use a white name with colored brackets, e.g. [Padawan] . Useful for improved readability.Tags:

Gun Display (cg_drawGun)

Setting: 0Description: Hide weapon in first-person view.
Setting: <decimal number between 0 and 1>Description: Display weapon in first-person view with partial opacity. For example, 0.5 shows your weapon with 50% opacity.
Setting: 1Description: Show weapon in first-person view.
Setting: 2Description: Hide weapon in first-person view, but display name of currently-equipped weapon in bottom-right corner of screen.

HD Fonts (cg_HDFonts)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.Tags:
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Use HD version of "Ergo" font (this is the font used for "Awaiting gamestate…").Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Use HD version of "OCR" font (this is the font used for chat).Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Use HD version of "Arial" font (this is the font used for menu options).Tags:
Setting: 8Description: Use HD version of "ANewHope" font (this is the STAR WARS font).Tags:

Hide Chats (cg_teamChatsOnly)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Hide all global chats.
Setting: 2Description: Hide global chats from spectators while you are ingame. Requires compatible server mod, such as base_enhanced.

Hide Selection Names (cg_hideSelectNames)

Setting: -1Description: Hide all.
Setting: 0Description: Show all.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Hide weapon names when changing weapons.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Hide force names when changing force powers.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Hide item names when changing items.Tags:

Hide Spectators (cg_specs)

Setting: -1Description: Enable both options.Tags:
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: On scoreboard, force spectators with names like @spec, afk, etc to have grey name color.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: On scoreboard, spectators with names like @spec, afk, etc are not included in players count.Tags:

HUD Font (cg_hudFont)

Setting: 0Description: Use "Ergo" font for some HUD elements, including the scoreboard (this is the font used for 'Awaiting gamestate…').Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Use "OCR" font for some HUD elements, including the scoreboard (this is the font used for chat).

Lag Display (cg_drawLag)

Setting: -1Description: Enable both options.Tags:
Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Display lag icon and "Connection Interrupted" while you are lagging.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Display lag icons with names of other players while they are lagging. Works best on base_enhanced/base_entranced servers.Tags:

Movement Keys Display (cg_drawMovementKeys)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Displays movement keys (WASD, crouch, jump), highlighting keys when they are pressed.

Pickup Icons (cg_drawPickupIcons)

Pickup Text (cg_drawPickupText)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.Tags:
Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Display icon/text when picking up weapons.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Display icon/text when picking up ammo.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Display icon/text when picking up health/armor/items.Tags:
Setting: 8Description: Display icon/text when picking up powerups(boon, etc).Tags:
Setting: 16Description: Display icon/text when picking up flags.Tags:
Setting: 7Description: Default setting for cg_drawPickupIcons (combination of 1, 2, and 4).Tags:
Setting: -1Description: Default setting for cg_drawPickupText.Tags:

Siege Class Counts (cg_classCounts)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Show total count of every Siege class for each team under the scoreboard.Tags:
Setting: <custom order>Description: You can specify a custom order in which class counts will be displayed. Useful if you put your classbinds in a non-standard order; you can make the class counts display in the same order as your classbinds. <custom order> must be 6 digits, using the first letter of each class name. For example, ahtdjs.

Siege Class Icons (cg_classIcons)

Setting: 1Description: Use base Siege class icons.Tags:
Setting: <mod name>Description:

Use Siege class icons with this mod name. Siege class icon mods included with Newmod:

Mod NameDescription
Mod Name: colorfulDescription:Colorful versions of base icons.
Mod Name: j3rkDescription: Base icons with colored letters in foreground. Made by J3rk.

Siege Help (cg_drawSiegeHelp)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display instructions for the current Siege objective on screen.

Siege Respawn Timer (cg_drawSiegeTimer)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Always display Siege respawn timer.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Only display Siege respawn timer while dead.Tags:
Setting: 3Description: Always display Siege respawn timer, including deciseconds.
Setting: 4Description: Only display Siege respawn timer while dead, including deciseconds.
Setting: 5Description: Always display Siege respawn timer, rounded up.
Setting: 6Description: Only display Siege respawn timer while dead, rounded up.

Siege Timer Style (cg_siegeTimerStyle)

Setting: 1Description: Use base style for siege respawn timer.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Use CTF style siege respawn timer.
Setting: 3Description: Use CTF noob style siege respawn timer (similar to 2, but timer gets bigger as it approaches zero).

Spawn Weapon Select (cg_spawnWeaponSelect)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Automatically show weapon selection bar when spawning.Tags:

Spectated Display (cg_drawSpectated)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: On scoreboard, show names of people whom spectators are following.Tags:

Spectator Overlay (cg_drawSpecOverlay)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: On supporting servers, while you are a spectator, display an overlay containing the name, location, health, and armor of each player.

Speedometer (cg_speedometer)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display a graph of your movement speed.
Setting: 2Description: Round movement speed to the nearest multiple of 10.
Setting: 3Description: Round movement speed to the nearest multiple of 25.

Strafe Helper (cg_strafeHelper)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Enable basic/defaults preset (wawd + ad + crosshair).
Setting: 2Description: Enable race preset (wawd + ad + crosshair + sound + speed). This preset is most suitable for racing/fastcap use.
Setting: 3Description: Enable minimal preset (wawd + ad + tiny height). This preset is most suitable for ingame use with minimal distractions.
Setting: 4Description: Enable full preset (wawd + ad + w + s + sasd + backwardsad + crosshair + sound + speed). This preset enables absolutely every feature, and is most suitable for gaining a better understanding of JKA movement.
Setting: sound=​<on/off>Description: Play a hit sound when lines are correctly aligned.
Default: off
Setting: speed=​<on/off>Description: Display movement speed under crosshair.
Default: off
Setting: crosshair=​<on/off/color>Description: Display special crosshair for easier alignment. Use on, off, or a custom color such as purple or #ff00ff.
Default: on (magenta)
Setting: height=​<tiny/short/medium/tall>Description: Specify a custom line height.
Default: medium
Setting: opacity=​<number between 0.1 and 1.0>Description: Change the opacity of the strafe helper lines. This was hardcoded to 0.75 in previous versions of Newmod.
Default: 0.75
Setting: inactiveopacity=​<number between 0.0 and 1.0>Description: Change the opacity of the inactive strafe helper lines only.
Default: whatever opacity is set to.
Setting: offset=​<number>Description: Change the offset of the strafe helper lines. This was hardcoded to 75 in previous versions of Newmod.
Default: 75
Setting: wawd=​<on/off/color>Description: Display optimal angles for strafing while holding W+A or W+D. Use on, off, or a custom color such as purple or #ff00ff.
Default: on (white)
Setting: ad=​<on/off/color>Description: Display optimal angles for strafing while holding A or D. Use on, off, or a custom color such as purple or #ff00ff.
Default: on (cyan)
Setting: w=​<on/off/color>Description: Display optimal angles for strafing while holding W. Use on, off, or a custom color such as purple or #ff00ff.
Default: off (yellow)
Setting: s=​<on/off/color>Description: Display optimal angles for strafing while holding S. Use on, off, or a custom color such as purple or #ff00ff.
Default: off (gray)
Setting: sasd=​<on/off/color>Description: Display optimal angles for strafing while holding S+A or S+D. Use on, off, or a custom color such as purple or #ff00ff.
Default: off (darkorange)
Setting: backwardsad=​<on/off/color>Description: Display optimal angles for strafing while holding A or D while moving backwards. Use on, off, or a custom color such as purple or #ff00ff.
Default: off (red)

Team Force Alignment Display (cg_drawTeamForce)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: On supporting servers, indicate dark/light side force alignment of teammates in the team overlay.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: On supporting servers, indicate dark/light side force alignment of teammates in the carrier display.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Use legacy style for team overlay (light/dark enlightenment icons).Tags:
Setting: 3Description: Default setting (combination of 1 and 2).Tags:

Team Overlay (cg_drawTeamOverlay)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Display Newmod style overlay.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Display Newmod style overlay, but don't show yourself on it.
Setting: 3Description: Display classic style overlay.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Display classic style overlay, but don't show yourself on it.

Team Overlay CTF Position Order (cg_teamOverlayCtfPosOrder)

Setting: 0Description: Leave team overlay player order unchanged.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: In CTF on supporting servers, the team overlay will ordered:
Base — Chase — Offense.
Setting: 2Description: In CTF on supporting servers, the team overlay will ordered:
Chase — Base — Offense.
Setting: 3Description: In CTF on supporting servers, the team overlay will ordered:
Offense — Base — Chase.
Setting: 4Description: In CTF on supporting servers, the team overlay will ordered:
Base — Offense — Chase.
Setting: 5Description: In CTF on supporting servers, the team overlay will ordered:
Chase — Offense — Base.
Setting: 6Description: In CTF on supporting servers, the team overlay will ordered:
Offense — Chase — Base.

Team Scores Display (cg_drawTeamScores)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Display Newmod style mini team scoreboard in the upper-right corner of your screen in non-Siege team gametypes.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Display classic style mini team scoreboard in the upper-right corner of your screen in non-Siege team gametypes.Tags:

TH/TE Indicator (cg_drawThTe)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Draw an icon upon receiving team heal and team energize.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Print "received team heal/energize" text upon receiving team heal and team energize.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Draw a colored outline around your screen upon receiving team heal and team energize.Tags:
Setting: 8Description: Draw an icon upon sending team heal and team energize.Tags:
Setting: 11Description: Default setting (combination of 1, 2, and 8 bitflags).Tags:

Top Left Font (cl_topLeftFont)

Setting: 8Description: Default/base JKA font for text appearing in the top left corner of the screen.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Alternate font for text appearing in the top left corner of the screen.

Top Left Font Size (cl_topLeftFontSize)

Setting: 8Description: Default/base JKA font size for text appearing in the top left corner of the screen.Tags:

Ultrawide Centered HUD (cg_ultrawideCenteredHUD)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: On ultrawide monitors, display HUD elements near the center of your screen.

Weapon Cycle Ammo (cg_weaponCycleAmmo)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Display ammo counts while cycling weapons.

Weapon Cycle Skip (cg_weaponCycleSkip)

Setting: 0Description: Cycle through weapons normally.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Skip saber when cycling through weapons.
Setting: 2Description: Skip saber and melee when cycling through weapons.
Setting: 3Description: Skip saber, melee, and pistol when cycling through weapons.
Setting: [weapon names separated by spaces]Description: Skip specific weapons when cycling through weapons.

Widescreen Fix (cg_widescreen)

Setting: 0Description: Force 4:3 aspect ratio for FOV, regardless of resolution/monitor's actual aspect ratio.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Automatically detect aspect ratio for FOV.