Absorb Shader (cg_absorbShader)

Electrocution Shader (cg_electrocutionShader)

Protect Shader (cg_protectShader)

Rage Shader (cg_rageShader)

Sense Shader (cg_senseShader)

Setting: <shader>​,<color>Description:

Specifies the visual effects to render on players for absorb / electrocution / protect / rage / sense.

Entering a single shader/color combination by itself means that this shader and color is used for all players. For <color>, use any color name or hex code, e.g. purple or #ff00ff.

For <shader>, use one of the following:

Setting: aDescription: Absorb
Setting: dDescription: Drain
Setting: eDescription: Electrocution (rage/lightning/demp)
Setting: pDescription: Protect
Setting: sDescription: Sense
Setting: fDescription: Fullbright (not available for Sense Shader)
Setting: ally=​<shader>​,<color>Description: Use this shader and color for allies.
If using the Fullbright shader (f) and the color begins with with !, it will be super colored, e.g. use !red for super red.
Setting: enemy=​<shader>​,<color>Description: Use this shader and color for enemies.
If using the Fullbright shader (f) and the color begins with with !, it will be super colored, e.g. use !red for super red.
Setting: a​,blueDescription: Default setting for cg_absorbShader.Tags:
Setting: e​,whiteDescription: Default setting for cg_electrocutionShader.Tags:
Setting: p​,limeDescription: Default setting for cg_protectShader.Tags:
Setting: e​,redDescription: Default setting for cg_rageShader.Tags:
Setting: pDescription: Default setting for cg_senseShader. Note that you cannot specify a custom color for sense; only a shader.Tags:
Setting: ally=​a​,blue enemy=​p​,redDescription: Example showing use of different settings for allies and enemies (blue absorb effect for allies; red protect effect for enemies) for any given shader cvar.Tags: