Transitioning from Smod
If you are currently using Sil's Smod, it's easy to switch to Newmod.
First, remove any Smod-related files, including:
- fixed_console_font.pk3
- hud_transp_console.pk3
- ql_rewards.pk3
- SMod.pk3
- votemappreview.pk3
- zent_jk_rewards_icons.pk3
- zent_jk_rewards_sounds.pk3
Second, consult the following list of Smod cvars/commands and their equivalents in Newmod. Note that starting over with a clean CFG/install for Newmod is always a good idea for avoiding potential conflicts with your old Smod settings.
Smod cvar/command | Newmod equivalent | Changes |
Smod: cg_drawCTFBaseBar | Newmod equivalent: cg_drawCarrier | Changes: Use 2 setting to only display for your teammates (not yourself), or 1 to display for everyone. |
Smod: cg_demoAutoRecord | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: Just acts as a binary on/off (1 or 0 ) setting. |
Smod: cg_demoAutoSave | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: You can use this cvar as a minimum length (in seconds) required to save a demo, e.g. cg_demoAutoSave 300 (only save demos longer than 5 minutes). |
Smod: cg_disruptMainSize , cg_disruptAltSize , cg_disruptTime | Newmod equivalent: cg_disruptor | Changes: These have been condensed into a single cvar, using any number of optional parameters. |
Smod: cg_drawRewards | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: Same behavior, plus extra features. |
Smod: cg_forceAllyModel , cg_forceEnemyModel | Newmod equivalent: cg_forceModel | Changes: These have been condensed into a single cvar, using any number of optional parameters. |
Smod: cg_jumpSounds | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: Same behavior, plus additional optional parameters, including ability to force specified models' sounds. |
Smod: cg_oldFont | Newmod equivalent: cg_hudFont | Changes: Selects which font is used for many HUD items, including the scoreboard. |
Smod: cg_rollSounds | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: Same behavior, plus additional optional parameters, including ability to force specified models' sounds. |
Smod: cg_simpleItems | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: Potential Conflict Now a bitflag cvar for greater control over which pickups are simple-ized. Use -1 to enable all options. The old Smod 1 behavior can be simulated by using 15 , which simple-izes everything except CTF flags (if you use 1 now, only weapon pickups will be simple-ized). |
Smod: cg_thirdPersonAlpha , cg_thirdPersonFlagAlpha | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: Potential Conflict Higher numbers are now more opaque instead of lower numbers, which is correct/standard practice (Smod had it backwards). You can also now use a negative value to not show models as transparent when following from spec. |
Smod: saveDemo | Newmod equivalent: Same | Changes: You can optionally specify a custom filename, e.g. saveDemo dank stun baton air . |
Smod: sm_set_color_absorb , sm_set_color_protect , sm_set_color_rage , cg_absorbShader , cg_absorbGrey | Newmod equivalent: cg_absorbShader , cg_protectShader , cg_rageShader | Changes: Newmod's shader cvars offer complete customization of shaders and colors on a per-team basis. |
Smod: sm_timer | Newmod equivalent: nm_timer | Changes: Newmod's timer command includes extra features and is a much more user-friendly timer solution. |