Ambient Sounds (cg_ambientSounds)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Enable useless ambient sounds (background humming, torch sounds, ship sounds on ctf4, etc.).Tags:

Announcer Channels (cg_announcerChannels)

Setting: 0Description: Announcer sounds share one audio channel (they all interrupt each other).Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Ally/enemy/neutral announcer sounds use separate audio channels.
Setting: 2Description: Ally/enemy/neutral announcer sounds use separate audio channels. Ally sounds play in left ear only. Enemy sounds play in right ear only. Neutral sounds play in both ears.

Announcer Cooldown (cg_announcerCooldown)

Setting: -1Description: Automatic cooldown.

This is likely the best setting for most users.
Setting: [custom cooldown in milliseconds]Description: Custom cooldown.

Note that using an excessively low cooldown may shorten sounds to the point of being unintelligible.

The base JKA cooldown is 750ms.
Setting: 300Description: Fast cooldown, but still somewhat intelligible.

This setting plays flag sounds very quickly, but may result in some sounds being cut off prematurely when several flag changes occur in quick succession.

Only recommended in combination with _short announcer voices (see the Announcer Voice (cg_announcerVoice) cvar).
Setting: 0Description: No cooldown.

This setting plays flag sounds instantly, but may result in some sounds being skipped entirely when several flag changes occur in quick succession.

Only recommended in combination with _short announcer voices (see the Announcer Voice (cg_announcerVoice) cvar).

Announcer Dropped (cg_announcerDropped)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Enable "flag dropped" sounds.

Announcer Voice (cg_announcerVoice)

Setting: 0Description: Disable the announcer.
Setting: 1Description: Use the base JKA announcer voice.Tags:
Setting: [mod name]Description: Use a custom announcer voice.

Newmod includes kyle, desann, jan, and luke.

Newmod also includes shortened versions of these voices: kyle_short, desann_short, jan_short, and luke_short.

Note that Newmod automatically switches to short-version voices when several sounds occur in quick succession.
Setting: ally=​<mod name>Description: Use a custom announcer voice for allied announcer sounds.Tags:
Setting: enemy=​<mod name>Description: Use a custom announcer voice for enemy announcer sounds.Tags:
Setting: neutral=​<mod name>Description: Use a custom announcer voice for neutral announcer sounds.

If unspecified, neutral uses ally voice.

Charge Sounds (cg_chargeSounds)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.
Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: When charging pistol/demp/bowcaster, play a shortened, more accurate charging sound instead of the base sound.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: When charging pistol/demp/bowcaster, play a beep sound once you are fully charged.Tags:

Chat Beep (cg_beep)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.Tags:
Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Play beep sound for team messages.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Play beep sound for private messages.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Play beep sound for global messages.Tags:
Setting: 8Description:

Play beep sound for non-installed vchats.

This bitflag works in conjunction with other bitflags; i.e., to beep for non-installed team vchat, both 1 and 8 bitflags must be enabled.


Corpse Sounds (cg_corpseSounds)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Play sounds when de-spawning a corpse.Tags:

Doppler Effect (s_doppler)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Enable simulated Doppler effect from moving sound sources (rockets).Tags:

Enemy Voice Chat (cg_enemyVoiceChat)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Allow voice chat from non-teammates.Tags:

Extra Taunt Sounds (cg_extraTauntSounds)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Play extra sounds for gloat and flourish on compatible servers.Tags:

Extra Voice Chats (cg_extraVoiceChats)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Play character-specific voice chats (e.g. Stormtrooper voice actor saying "sniper" when using Stormtrooper skin).Tags:

Fix Missing Sounds (cg_fixMissingSounds)

Setting: -1Description: Enable all options.Tags:
Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Use fixed rebel_pilot soundset for rebel_pilot; use JK2 rebel soundset for rebel.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Use JK2 bespin_cop soundset.Tags:
Setting: 4Description: Use JK2 chiss soundset.Tags:
Setting: 8Description: Use JK2 desann soundset.Tags:
Setting: 16Description: Use JK2-based galak soundset.Tags:
Setting: 32Description: Use JK2 jan soundset.Tags:
Setting: 64Description: Fix missing jawa jump and land sounds.Tags:
Setting: 128Description: Use JK2 jeditrainer soundset.Tags:
Setting: 256Description: Use JK2 lando soundset.Tags:
Setting: 512Description: Use JK2 monmothma soundset.Tags:
Setting: 1024Description: Use JK2 reborn soundset.Tags:
Setting: 2048Description: Use JK2 reelo soundset.Tags:
Setting: 4096Description: Use JK2 shadowtrooper soundset.Tags:
Setting: 8192Description: Use JK2 swamptrooper soundset.Tags:
Setting: 16383Description: CTF players may prefer this setting (use all fixes except 1).Tags:

Fix Saber Sounds (cg_fixSaberSounds)

Setting: 0Description: Use loud base JKA saber activation/deactivation sounds.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Use fixed saber activation/deactivation sounds.Tags:

Flag Sounds (cg_flagSounds)

Setting: 0Description: DisableTags:
Setting: 1Description: Play a sound when you pick up the enemy flag.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Play a sound when you return your flag.Tags:

Frag Sounds (cg_fragSounds)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Play a sound when you frag an enemy.

Match Start Spam (cg_matchStartSpam)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Enable sound/effects spam at the start of a match (sounds of all teammates spawning simultaneously, sounds of all teammates' sabers activating simultaneously, etc).Tags:

Jump Sounds (cg_jumpSounds)

Roll Sounds (cg_rollSounds)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Play jump/roll sounds for all players.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Play jump/roll sounds for everyone except yourself.
Setting: ally=​<model>Description: Force <model>'s jump/roll sound for allies. Use silent for no sound.Tags:
Setting: enemy=​<model>Description: Force <model>'s jump/roll sound for enemies. Use silent for no sound.Tags:
Setting: self=​<model>Description: Force <model>'s jump/roll sound for yourself. Use silent for no sound.Tags:

Spectator Memes (cg_specMemes)

Setting: 0Description: Disable meme vchats from spectators while you are in-game.
Setting: 1Description: Enable.Tags:

Other Player Pickup Sounds (cg_otherPlayerPickupSounds)

Setting: 0Description: Disable.
Setting: 1Description: Play sounds when other players pick up items.Tags:

Vchat cvars

Teamwork Vchats (cg_vchatTeamwork)

Setting: 0Description: Mute teamwork vchat sounds.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Play teamwork vchat sounds (if installed).Tags:

General Vchats (cg_vchatGeneral)

Setting: 0Description: Completely block all general vchats.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Enable all general vchats.Tags:
Setting: 2Description: Enable installed general vchats. Print non-installed general vchats to the console.
Setting: 3Description: Enable installed general vchats. Completely block non-installed general vchats.

Meme Vchats (cg_vchatMeme)

Setting: 0Description: Completely block all meme vchats.Tags:
Setting: 1Description: Enable all meme vchats.
Setting: 2Description: Enable installed meme vchats. Print non-installed meme vchats to the console.
Setting: 3Description: Enable installed meme vchats. Completely block non-installed meme vchats.Tags:

Vchat Modifiers (cg_vchatModifiers)

Setting: ally=​<keyboard key>Description: Hold <keyboard key> while selecting a vchat from the Vchat menu to send it to allies only.Tags:
Setting: global=​<keyboard key>Description: Hold <keyboard key> while selecting a vchat from the Vchat menu to send it globally.Tags:
Setting: disable=​<keyboard key>Description: Hold <keyboard key> while clicking a vchat from the Vchat menu to toggle disabling/enabling it.Tags:
Setting: ally=ctrl global=shift disable=altDescription: Default setting.Tags:

Volume Cvars

Cvar: s_volumeMasterDescription:Master volume control; all other volumes are multiplied by this.

Use a decimal value of 0 or greater.
Cvar: s_volumeDescription: Controls volume of all sounds other than music, voices, and on NewJK, the announcer and weapons.

Use a decimal value between 0 and 1.0.
Cvar: s_musicVolumeDescription: Controls volume of game music.

Use a decimal value between 0 and 1.0.
Cvar: s_volumeVoiceDescription: Controls volume of voices, including jump/pain sounds, etc.

Use a decimal value between 0 and 1.0.
Cvar: s_volumeAnnouncerDescription:Controls volume of the announcer.

Use a decimal value between 0 and 1.0.

Leaving this empty ("") will default to using your s_volume setting, which previously controlled announcer volume.
Cvar: s_volumeWeaponDescription:Controls volume of weapons.

Use a decimal value between 0 and 1.0.

You can optionally specify separate weapon volume for your own weapon sounds and other players' weapon sounds by using self=[number] other=[number] keys.

Leaving this empty ("") will default to using your s_volume setting, which previously controlled weapon volume.