Download Newmod 1.12.3
Download the latest version of Newmod for Windows (2025-01-09).
If you are also already using NewJK executable, make sure to update that, too.
(Optional + recommended)
Download NewJK executable 1.12.3
Download the latest version of the NewJK executable for Windows (2025-01-09).
While NewJK is not required to use Newmod, we highly recommend using it along with Newmod.
NewJK is our optional improved custom executable that replaces the vanilla JKA executable (jamp.exe). As a custom executable, it is capable of implementing many improvements that are not possible with mere PK3 mods (like Newmod). NewJK can improve FPS, has many crash fixes and stability improvements, and adds extra features like raw mouse input. For more information, see the NewJK page.
If you are also already using Newmod, make sure to update that, too.
Release notes for 1.12.3:
- Added new parameters to the Auto Timers (
) cvar that display timers for force powers that are about to expire under your crosshair. - Added new bitflags to the Capture Display (
) cvar that display the health, armor, and force of a player who captures the flag. For example, you can see if someone captures the flag with 1 HP. - Added the new Fix CTF Trolls (
) cvar, which can be enabled to prevent certain troll behaviors by teammates in CTF. - Added a new Flag Sounds (
) cvar that plays dank sounds when picking up and/or returning flags. - Added a new Flag Effects (
) cvar that displays dank visual effects when capturing and/or returning flags. - Fixed annoying base JKA bugs causing erroneous prediction of picking up items and flags (for example, the game erroneously acting as though you picked up a weapon, or a flag disappearing when you almost touch it).
- Because JKA plays a sound both for you picking up a weapon and someone else picking up a weapon, this sound can cause confusion if it plays while you and another player are both trying to pick up the same weapon, as it's unclear who actually picked it up. The new Other Player Pickup Sounds (
) cvar can reduce confusion by only playing the sound when you pick up the weapon. - Fixed extremely buggy base JKA automatic weapon switching (e.g., when you run out of ammo or your gun is pulled). Automatic weapon switching now uses a better order of weapon preferences and properly takes ammo into consideration. You can optionally customize the weapon preference order with the new Weapon Preference (
) cvar.Click for detailed explanationBase JKA automatic weapon switching bugs
- Base JKA's order of weapon preferences is nonsensical: the highest ranked weapons (in order) are saber, conc, and detpacks.
Demp is preferred over repeater.
Rockets aren't even on the list whatsoever.
Automatic weapon switches are thus nonsensical and unpredictable, e.g. when your weapon gets pulled while holding down mouse2, you get switched to saber and do a staff kick.
- Base JKA doesn't properly take ammo into consideration: repeater with 1 ammo (enough to fire a single mouse1 shot) is preferred over disruptor with 300 ammo.
- Players who leave Auto Switch Upon Pickup (
) enabled suffer because this cvar is so broken in base JKA that it barely does anything. For example, you get switched to bowcaster upon pickup, but not thermals or rockets.While most experienced players disable this cvar, it has always been enabled by default (including in base JKA); it should work properly for players who leave it enabled.
- Base JKA's order of weapon preferences is nonsensical: the highest ranked weapons (in order) are saber, conc, and detpacks.
- Greatly improved and fixed the base JKA Auto Switch Upon Pickup (
) cvar for players who leave that enabled. - Added a new Auto Focus (
) cvar that prevents the JKA window from losing focus or being minimized during live matches. This setting is useful if random background programs sometimes cause your game to minimize. - The JKA window in your taskbar now automatically renames to display match time, scores, number of connected players, chats, etc., allowing you to monitor server activity while minimized by simply looking at the NewJK window name in your taskbar.
- Thermals/mines/detpacks binds (
weapon 10
,weapon 11
, andweapon 12
) have been handled in various ways over the years. Base JKA, SMod, and Newmod have each handled these binds differently. The new Weapon Cycle Style (cg_weaponCycleStyle
) cvar lets you choose which style behavior to use for these binds. - Added a new Fix Troll Items (
) cvar that flattens 3D healthpack and weapon pedestal models to expose mines/detpacks hidden inside them. - Added a new
pack for the Siege Class Icons (cg_classIcons
) cvar. - Added a CTF configuration menu to help new players configure useful CTF binds (e.g., selfkill, common teamchat callouts).
- Added a new Custom Text Display (
) cvar, which prints custom text on the HUD. An example use of this is to help newer players remember binds by printing something like this on your HUD:G - Absorb
H - Protect
J - Team Heal - Added a new Demo Review feature: write commentary while watching someone's demo using the Demo Review (
) command. Your commentary gets saved to a special.demoreview
file. Send this file to your friend and have them put it in their/demos/
folder. As your friend plays the demo, your commentary will be displayed on their screen at the appropriate times. - The "You killed Padawan" message is now visible while the scoreboard is displayed, including when the scoreboard is automatically displayed upon death (in non-siege gametypes). For example, if you detkill someone in CTF, you will immediately see "You killed Padawan" without needing to wait out the automatic scoreboard.
- Pressing ESC during demo playback now displays playback speed buttons.
- Fixed a base JKA bug that caused incorrect movement prediction when hit by rockets fired by a player with client number zero.
- Added support for reworked lightning on base_enhanced servers.
- Bots are no longer counted in the "Loading…7 other players" message while connecting.
- For users of the Weapon Cycle Ammo (
) cvar, if you have enough ammo to fire mouse1 but not mouse2 (or vice versa), the ammo text in the weapon cycling bar is now displayed in yellow. For example, if you have repeater with 14 ammo—enough ammo to fire mouse1 but not mouse2. - The Force Models (
), Fullbright Models (cg_fullbrightModels
), and CTF Position CFGs (cg_ctfPosCFGs
) cvars now support the "mid" position in 5v5 CTF (serverside support is forthcoming). - Changed a few default settings of Newmod cvars to reflect the settings the community instructed new players to use 100% of the time (this improvement only affects clean new installs).
- Several other minor improvements.
- Fixed a base JKA bug that prevented some binds from working when pressed at the exact same time. This fix should make input feel more responsive, as you no longer have to worry about simultaneous button presses cancelling each other out. This fix also allows binding one key to both a light and dark power, like
bind x "force_absorb;force_rage"
. - Fixed a base JKA bug that caused incorrect movement prediction when hit by rockets fired by a player with client number zero.
- Fixed a bug that made the duration of auto timers created by the Auto Timers (
) cvar slightly inaccurate. - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect wallgrab prediction.
- Fixed a base JKA bug that caused the lightning 3 effect to appear as though its range were larger than it actually is.
- Fixed lightning effects not being affected by the FPS Saver (
) cvar. - Fixed base JKA bugs that caused Pickup Icons (
) to disappear when switching weapons and remain on screen after dying. - Fixed a base JKA bug that caused siege vehicle turbo charge to display incorrectly if someone else had recently used turbo on a vehicle before you boarded it (on supporting servers).
- Fixed a bug in multi-monitor setups where the cursor would sometimes "escape" to another monitor while JKA was focused.
- Fixed a bug that could cause distorted or excessively loud audio.
- Several other minor bug fixes.
Item pickups
Automatic weapon switching
Miscellaneous features
Features for noobs
Miscellaneous improvements
Bug fixes
Sorry, Newmod and/or NewJK is currently not available for download on your operating system.